Results for 'Peter T. Knight'

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  1.  32
    The role of awareness in delay and trace fear conditioning in humans.David C. Knight, Hanh T. Nguyen & Peter A. Bandettini - 2006 - Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience 6 (2):157-162.
  2. Think pieces.Peter E. Hodgson, Nigholas T. Saunders, Jeffrey Koperski, Ursula Goodenough Religiopoiesis, Ursula Goodenough, Loyal Rue, David Knight, Philip Clayton, Joseph M. Zycinski & Michael Heller - 2000 - Zygon 35 (3-4):716.
  3. Think pieces.Carl S. Helrjch, Peter E. Hodgson, Nicholas T. Saunders, Jeffrey Koperski, Ursula Goodenough Religiopoiesis, Ursula Goodenough, Loyal Rue, David Knight, Phiup Cl-Ayton & Joseph M. Zycinski - 2000 - Zygon 35 (3-4):716.
  4.  47
    Differential Processing of Consonance and Dissonance within the Human Superior Temporal Gyrus.Francine Foo, David King-Stephens, Peter Weber, Kenneth Laxer, Josef Parvizi & Robert T. Knight - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  5.  61
    The theological significance of subjectivity.Gordon Knight - 2005 - Heythrop Journal 46 (1):1–10.
    Books reviewed:Kenneth J. Howell, God's Two Books: Copernican Cosmology and Biblical Interpretation in Early Modern ScienceRichard A. Horsley and Neil Asher Silberman, The Message and the Kingdom: How Jesus and Paul Ignited a Revolution and Transformed the Ancient WorldJ. Painter, 1, 2, and 3 John Sarah Coakley, Re‐thinking Gregory of Nyssa Andrew Jotischky, The Carmelites and Antiquity: Mendicants and their Pasts in the Middle AgesTerryl N. Kinder, Cistercian Europe: Architecture of ContemplationM. G. Snape, English Episcopal Acta, 24: Durham 1153–1195Gillian R. (...)
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    With and without end.Peter Cave - 2007 - Philosophical Investigations 30 (2):105–126.
    Ways and words about infinity have frequently hidden a continuing paradox inspired by Zeno. The basic puzzle is the tortoise's – Mr T's – Extension Challenge, the challenge being how any extension, be it in time or space or both, moving or still, can yet be of an endless number of extensions. We identify a similarity with Mr T's Deduction Challenge, reported by Lewis Carroll, to the claim that a conclusion can be validly reached in finite steps. Rejecting common solutions (...)
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  7. Whatever happened to deontic logic?Peter T. Geach - 1982 - Philosophia 11 (1-2):1-12.
  8.  11
    Divination and human nature: a cognitive history of intuition in classical antiquity.Peter T. Struck - 2016 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    "Divination and Human Nature" casts a new perspective on the rich tradition of ancient divination--the reading of divine signs in oracles, omens, and dreams. Popular attitudes during classical antiquity saw these readings as signs from the gods while modern scholars have treated such beliefs as primitive superstitions. In this book, Peter Struck reveals instead that such phenomena provoked an entirely different accounting from the ancient philosophers. These philosophers produced subtle studies into what was an odd but observable fact--that humans (...)
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  9. Two kinds of intentionality?Peter T. Geach - 1976 - The Monist 59 (3):306-320.
    When I offered this title, I was engaging myself to investigate an apparent difference between two kinds of intentionality, in the hope that I should be able to find some firm logical criterion to distinguish them. I was less successful in this than I had hoped. I think I have gained a certain amount of insight into the logic and semantics of one kind of intentional context, largely due to the work I was doing while visiting the University of Pennsylvania (...)
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    A Realist Philosophy of Social Science: Explanation and Understanding.Peter T. Manicas - 2006 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This introduction to the philosophy of social science provides an original conception of the task and nature of social inquiry. Peter Manicas discusses the role of causality seen in the physical sciences and offers a reassessment of the problem of explanation from a realist perspective. He argues that the fundamental goal of theory in both the natural and social sciences is not, contrary to widespread opinion, prediction and control, or the explanation of events. Instead, theory aims to provide an (...)
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  11.  65
    Rescuing Dewey: Essays in Pragmatic Naturalism.Peter T. Manicas - 2008 - Lexington Books.
    Introduction -- Pragmatism and science -- Pragmatic philosophy of science and the charge of scientism -- John Dewey and American psychology -- John Dewey and American social science -- Culture and nature -- Not another epistemology -- Naturalism and subjectivism -- Naturalizing epistemology : recent developments in psychology and the sociology of knowledge -- Democracy -- American democracy : a new spirit in the world -- John Dewey : anarchism and the political state -- Philosophy and politics : a historical (...)
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  12.  8
    Essentials of logic.Peter T. Manicas (ed.) - 1968 - [New York]: American Book Co..
  13. The functional role of cross-frequency coupling.Ryan T. Canolty & Robert T. Knight - 2010 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 14 (11):506-515.
  14. Principles of Frontal Lobe Function.Donald T. Stuss & Robert T. Knight (eds.) - 2002 - Oxford University Press.
    This book is intended to be a standard reference work on the frontal lobes for researchers, clinicians, and students in the fields of neurology, neuroscience, ...
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    Myth and Investigation in Oedipus Rex.Peter T. Koper - 2005 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 12 (1):87-98.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Myth and Investigation in Oedipus RexPeter T. Koper (bio)René Girard's rich interpretations of Attic drama include his discussion in Violence and the Sacred of the sacrificial and reciprocal nature of the mythic violence that underlies Oedipus Rex. "In the myth, the fearful transgression of a single individual is substituted for the universal onslaught of reciprocal violence. Oedipus is responsible for the ills that have befallen his people" (Girard 1977, (...)
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    Behavioral Endocrinology: Integrating Mind and Body.Peter T. Ellison - 2020 - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture 4 (2):97-110.
    The nervous system and the endocrine system interact to integrate behavior and physiolo­gy. Hormones play an important role in this interaction, particularly steroid hormones. Other molecules, notably oxytocin, can serve both as hormones in the soma and neuro­modulators in the central nervous system. Understanding the influence of the endocrine system on human behavior, both individual and social, has been a primary focus of behav­ioral endocrinology for many decades, though technical and methodological challenges have been formidable. The recent enthusiasm for enzyme-linked (...)
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  17.  27
    Reduction, epigenesis and explanation.Peter T. Manicas - 1983 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 13 (3):331–354.
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    The sociology of scientific knowledge: Can we ever get it straight?Peter T. Manicas & Alan Rosenberg - 1988 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 18 (1):51–76.
  19.  30
    Lineal inheritance and lineal extinction.Peter T. Ellison - 1985 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 8 (4):672-672.
  20. Methodology.Peter T. Johnstone & Steve Awodey - unknown
    Notices Amer. Math. Sac. 51, 2004). Logically, such a "Grothendieck topos" is something like a universe of continuously variable sets. Before long, however, F.W. Lawvere and M. Tierney provided an elementary axiomatization..
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    Peirce on Chance.Peter T. Turley - 1969 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 5 (4):243 - 254.
  22.  64
    (1 other version)The Unifying Function of Affect: Founding a theory of psychocultural development in the epistemology of John Dewey and Carl Jung.Peter T. Dunlap - 2012 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 44 (1):53-68.
    In this paper I explore the shared interest of John Dewey and Carl Jung in the developmental continuity between biological, psychological, and cultural phenomena. Like other first generation psychological theorists, Dewey and Jung thought that psychology could be used to deepen our understanding of this continuity and thus gain a degree of control over human development. While their pursuit of this goal received little institutional support, there is a growing body of theory and practice derived from the new field of (...)
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    (1 other version)The Argument From the Hand.Peter T. Cash - 1979 - Philosophical Investigations 2 (4):47-70.
    This paper is an "ordinary language" analysis of the philosophical discussion of visual perception in the context of Twentieth Century British "sense datum" theorists, primarily G.E. Moore. -/- The title of the paper is derived from A.J. Ayer's "argument from illusion", which also forms part of the context of this paper. Both Moore and Ayer believed in sense datum theory, but Moore provides an interesting illustration that is intended to clarify (and also prove) sense datum theory in his paper, "A (...)
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  24. La cuantificación de segundo orden de Frege.Peter T. Geach - 1981 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 11 (2-3):167-177.
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  25.  62
    Men, machines, materialism, and morality.Peter T. Manicas - 1966 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 27 (2):238-246.
  26. (2 other versions)Bricks without straw: Darwinism in the social sciences.Peter T. Saunders - 2003 - Theoria 18 (3):259-272.
    The so-called evolutionary social scienccs are based on the belief that Darwinism can explain the living world and that it therefore should be able to explain other complex systems such as minds and societies. In fact, Darwinism cannot explain biological evolution. It does make an important contribution, but this is towards understanding adaptation, which is a major problem in biology but not in the social sciences. Darwinism has much less to offer to the social sciences than to biology and the (...)
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    Biblical Hapax Legomena in the Light of Akkadian and Ugaritic.Peter T. Daniels & Harold R. Cohen - 1981 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 101 (4):440.
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  28.  30
    Experts at the benchside.Peter T. Saunders - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (3):20 – 21.
  29.  11
    No Limits to Genetic Inquiry.Peter T. Rowiey - 1988 - Hastings Center Report 18 (2):42-43.
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    Logic as philosophy.Peter T. Manicas (ed.) - 1971 - New York,: Van Nostrand Reinhold.
  31.  22
    Willard Van Orman Quine, 1908-2000.Peter T. Manicas - 2004 - In Armen Marsoobian & John Ryder (eds.), The Blackwell Guide to American Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 247.
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  32.  41
    John Dewey and american psychology.Peter T. Manicas - 2002 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 32 (3):267–294.
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    Consciousness: anatomy of the soul.Peter T. Walling - 2009 - Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse. Edited by Kenneth N. Hicks.
    Walling and Hicks make a direct assault on the "Everest" of scientific mysteries. The authors trace the first glimmerings of consciousness in evolution and during emergence from anesthesia. There are no formulae or equations; all the difficult concepts have been presented as allegories and pictures. Unlike many philosophical books about consciousness, they have evidence to back up their ideas. This book is also an attempt to bridge the chasm between science and religion which the authors believe to be largely unnecessary.
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  34.  30
    Dummett on Frege: A Review Discussion.Peter T. Geach - 1985 - The Thomist 49 (1):116-121.
  35.  64
    John Dewey and the problem of justice.Peter T. Manicas - 1981 - Journal of Value Inquiry 15 (4):279-291.
  36.  35
    The clinical ethics committee at the Royal united hospital — bath, England.Peter T. Rudd - 2002 - HEC Forum 14 (1):37-44.
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    The absent ontology of society: Response to Juckes and Barresi.Peter T. Manicas - 1993 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 23 (2):217–228.
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    "shewing Of Hard Sentences And Dissolving Of Doubts": The First Decipherment.Peter T. Daniels - 1988 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 108 (3):419-436.
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    Broca's area: Motor encoding in somatic space.Peter T. Fox - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (2):344-345.
    Encoding articulate speech is widely accepted as the principal (or sole) role of the frontal operculum. Clinical observations of speech apraxia have been confirmed by brain-imaging studies of speech production. We present evidence that the frontal operculum also programs limb movements. We argue that this area is a ventral counterpart of the dorsal premotor area. The two are functionally distinguished by specialization for somatic and visual space, respectively.
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  40. Identity.Peter T. Geach - 1967 - Review of Metaphysics 21 (1):3 - 12.
    Absolute identity seems at first sight to be presupposed in the branch of formal logic called identity theory. Classical identity theory may be obtained by adjoining a single schema to ordinary quantification theory.
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  41.  18
    Naturalism, epistemological individualism and "the strong programme" in the sociology of knowledge.Peter T. Manicas Andalan Rosenberg - 1985 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 15 (1):76–101.
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    Intentionality of Thought Versus Intentionality of Desire.Peter T. Geach - 1978 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 5 (1):131-138.
    The work of Brentano's English contemporary J. E. McTaggart is in several ways profitable for Brentano scholars to study: I here cosider his views on the nature and classification of mental states. In McTaggart's account the characteristic of being a 'cognition', one that some but not all 'cogitations' have, corresponds to Brentano's notion of Anerkennen; quite unlike Brentano, he holds that contrariety obtains only between the contents of judgments, not between contrary acts of affirming and denying; like Brentano however he (...)
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    Being Clear About the Precautionary Principle.Peter T. Saunders - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (3):47-48.
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    Statistical frequency in perception affects children’s lexical production.Peter T. Richtsmeier, LouAnn Gerken, Lisa Goffman & Tiffany Hogan - 2009 - Cognition 111 (3):372-377.
  45.  34
    The Music of the Bible Revealed: The Deciphering of a Millenary Notation.Peter T. Daniels, Suzanne Haïk-Vantoura, Dennis Weber, John Wheeler & Suzanne Haik-Vantoura - 1992 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 112 (3):499.
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  46. The Foreclosure of Democracy in America,”.Peter T. Manicas - 1988 - History of Political Thought 9 (1):137-60.
  47.  62
    John Dewey: Anarchism and the Political State.Peter T. Manicas - 1982 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 18 (2):133 - 158.
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    Visible Religion: Annual for Religious Iconography, Vol. 6: The Image in Writing.Peter T. Daniels, H. G. Kippenberg, L. P. van den Bosch, L. Leertouwer & H. A. Witte - 1990 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 110 (2):333.
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    W. T. Deininger's "Problems in Social and Political Thought". [REVIEW]Peter T. Manicas - 1966 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 26 (3):455.
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    A history and philosophy of the social sciences.Peter T. Manicas - 1987 - New York, USA: Blackwell.
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